CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a holistic healing approach that uses very light touch to balance the CranioSacral system in the body, which includes the soft tissues and fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord. CST releases tension and stress associated with the central nervous system thereby supporting, facilitating and enhancing the body's natural capacity for self-correction and self-healing. What Conditions Can CST Help?
What To Expect During CranioSacral Therapy the client remains fully clothed on a comfortable table in a pleasant, relaxing setting. The practitioner begins by gently touching various areas of the body to sense the rhythm of the fluid flowing around the central nervous system. The session continues with the practitioner gently placing their hands at various areas on the body using a very light touch approach to release tension & restriction. A session typcially lasts an hour. Sessions are generally very relaxing in nature. You may sense feelings of warmth, pulsing or twitching as the body relaxes and releases tension. Every session is an individualized experience. Purpose According to Dr. John Upledger, craniosacral therapy is ideally suited for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, headaches, chronic middle ear infection, pain, and general health maintenance. It is recommended for autism, fibromyalgia, heart disease, osteoarthritis, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic sinus infections, and gastroenteritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach or small intestine). It is also used with other therapies to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, and menstrual irregularity. In addition, other craniosacral practitioners have reported benefits for eye dysfunction, dyslexia, depression, motor coordination difficulties, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), hyperactivity, colic, asthma in babies, floppy baby syndrome, whiplash, cerebral palsy, certain birth defects, and other central nervous system disorders. For more information
The treatments and/or services of Synergistic Approach, LLC are not a substitution for medical treatments or medications. It is recommended, by Synergistic Approach, LLC, that you work concurrently with your Doctor or Primary Caregiver Provider on any condition for which you may be seeking relief. Clients will receive an oral explanation and description of the services for which they have an interest. Clients may refuse any and all services at any time during an active session or any subsequent sessions. Synergistic Approach, LLC does not diagnose illness or disease, and does not prescribe medication(s).
Robin Wengert, Owner/Holistic Health Practitioner • Synergistic Approach, LLC • Lebanon, PA 17042 • (717) 304-2342