Reflexology is a therapeutic method of relieving pain by stimulating predefined pressure points on the feet, hands or body. This controlled pressure may assist to alleviates the source of the discomfort. In the absence of any particular malady or abnormality, reflexology may be as effective for promoting good health and for preventing illness as it may be for relieving symptoms of stress, injury, and illness.
Reflexologists work from maps of predefined pressure points that are located on the feet, hands and body. These reflex pressure points connect directly through the nervous system and send stimuli to the various bodily organs and glands. By means of this touching therapy, any part of the body that is the source of pain, illness, or potential debility can be strengthened through the application of pressure at the respective foot, hand or body location. The main goal of reflexology is to urge the body to return to a state of balance. |
The treatments and/or services of Synergistic Approach, LLC are not a substitution for medical treatments or medications. It is recommended, by Synergistic Approach, LLC, that you work concurrently with your Doctor or Primary Caregiver Provider on any condition for which you may be seeking relief. Clients will receive an oral explanation and description of the services for which they have an interest. Clients may refuse any and all services at any time during an active session or any subsequent sessions. Synergistic Approach, LLC does not diagnose illness or disease, and does not prescribe medication(s).
Robin Wengert, Owner/Holistic Health Practitioner • Synergistic Approach, LLC • Lebanon, PA 17042 • (717) 304-2342