"Is Hypnosis sleep", you may ask? Hypnosis is not sleep.
The brain wave frequency that is experienced during hypnosis is a state that the brain passes through during the act of falling asleep. The hypnotic state is actually something that most of us experience on a regular basis. Have you ever gotten "lost" or "engrossed" in something that you deeply enjoy? A good book, movie, tv program, etc. This is a form of hypnosis. When I mentioned this to a recent client he related to me an incident where he was driving and listening to a World Series game. Before he knew it he was just a few minutes from work and remembered very little of his actual drive. I'm sure most of us can relate to this in one way or another. Obviously you haven't been asleep during these experiences. These situations not only show that hypnosis is not sleep they also demonstrate that it is a naturally occurring state that can easily be attained and sustained. In fact since our brains naturally attain the appropriate frequency for hypnosis while we are drifting off to sleep and again when we are awakening this is a perfect time for most clients to perform their daily self hypnosis. Most if not all of us have been there, reading positive posts, quotes and affirmations on social media. They INSPIRE us to DESIRE change and a MORE POSITIVE outlook but where does it go from there? We all like the idea of positive changes but how often have you been able to put those positive changes into practice? Positive self talk only goes so far before the little voice in the back of your mind takes over. Before you know it, you are back into the well worn track of negative self talk.
I would wager to say that we've all heard that voice, "Who do you think you are to try to change? You're not good enough! You're stuck where you're at, just accept it! etc..........." I'm sure you could add plenty of things that your little voice has to say. That voice can be quite outspoken. I have this little voice too. Sometimes its not so little. It can be rather loud, demanding and hard to ignore. This is where the skills that I've learned in hypnosis come into play. It's really a matter a reprogramming the subconscious mind. Just like when water follows a well worn path to become a stream, our thoughts tend to do the same thing. Creating positive change works the same way as changing the path of flowing water. As the water begins to flow along a new path the path becomes deeper and more defined as more water flows. Through the use of hypnosis we can create new thought paths that will become deeper and more defined the more we reinforce them. Hypnosis creates a new path. Self hypnosis reinforces that path. By making a commitment to yourself you can easily create the positive change(s) that you desire in a very short period of time. Soon you will find the positive changes have taken hold so deeply that they have become part of who you are. You have embraced the change that you desire! |
AuthorRobin L. Wengert - ArchivesCategories